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Lamps and light bulbs

Lamps and light bulbs are part of our everyday experience. Whether we are at work or in a domestic setting, day or night, we often turn a light on so that we can better see what we're looking at.

There are different types of light bulbs and a range of applications for these lamps. Whether you're searching for LED bulbs or looking for a more traditional gas light for a project you're working on, you're in the right place. At RS, we have over 1,000 bulbs to choose from in our lighting department.

We stock lamp lights and bulbs by leading manufacturers including EIKO, IDEC Corporation, LOVATO Electric, Lume, and our own brand RS PRO. Whichever brand you choose, you can be sure that you're selecting high-quality brands and outstanding products at great value.

Browse the selection and take your pick from spotlights and ceiling lights, incandescent and fluorescent light bulbs. Whatever you need, you're sure to find it in this line-up.

What are light bulbs?

We're all familiar with them: they're used to produce and disperse light by being screwed into a standardized base with a switch, like a lamp stand. But it's worth understanding the functionality of lamps and light bulbs. Whether you're working on an industrial set-up or a domestic development, having this knowledge can be helpful when planning lamps and lighting on a project.

Incandescent light bulbs

Incandescence is the release of light when a filament is heated. This is the basic working principle of an incandescent light bulb.

For over 100 years, Thomas Edison was credited with inventing the incandescent light bulb. However, the components that make up this common way to light a lamp were made by multiple inventors.

These components include:

  • Glass bulb or globe - This is the outer shell that protects the inner components. The reflective qualities of the glass material maximize the light emitted from the filament.
  • Filament - Tungsten is a natural metal that can withstand high temperatures. It is the coiled part of the bulb. When the current passes along this, it triggers a white light. The coils allow a lot of tungsten to fit into the small space inside the bulb and make the light more intense.
  • Wires and stem - The center of the bulb has a stem that's made of glass. Connecting wires are attached to this and hold the tungsten coil in place. As well as providing support, these wires carry the electric current.
  • Base - The base is designed to hold the bulb in place, transfer the electricity from the electrical output to the bulb and secure the bulb's components.

While the typical 'globe' shape is one of the most recognizable types of bulbs, incandescent light bulbs are often different shapes and used in different applications. For instance, they are used in the automotive industry in car indicators, and in the catering sector in ovens.

LED light bulbs

LED bulbs have grown in popularity in recent years, rapidly replacing traditional tungsten bulbs. They work well in places that need long-lasting lighting, such as car parks, offices, and hospitals. However, they're increasingly used in everyday settings, from lighting kitchens to digital alarm clocks.

Here, the light is made through the current passing through a semiconductor. This is usually a diode. As the electricity passes through, photons - or light - emit from the semiconducting material.

Fluorescent light bulbs

Fluorescent light bulbs are mostly found in offices, warehouses, supermarkets, and public buildings such as hospitals and schools. These are glass tubes that contain two electrodes wired to an electric circuit. They also contain chemical compounds, which are inert gas, mercury, and a phosphor coating the inside of the tube.

Contact pins at the end of the tube connect to the electrical circuit. When the AC current is turned on, the electricity reaches the electrodes, causing the electrons to move through the inert gases. The energy created then causes the mercury to turn into gas, and this gas collides with the charged atoms and electrons. As this process settles, light photons are emitted, hitting the phosphor coating so that we can see it.

Other types of lights

There are other types of lamps and bulbs that you might have come across. There are gas lights, often used in camping, which burn a fuel like propane or kerosene. Sodium lamps, or SON lights, have bulbs that offer a long lifespan and high luminous output. Halogen bulbs can be seen in lots of settings, from domestic ceilings as spotlights to commercial applications.

There are different styles too. There are ceiling lights, such as pendant and chandelier designs, and freestanding lamps. As with the bulb you choose, the style will depend on the job you're working on and the space you're illuminating.

Choose RS for your light bulbs and lamps

We have a large selection of light bulbs and lamps, so you're sure to find exactly what you need for your project. Whether you're working on an industrial or commercial job or you have a residential setting to design, you can browse the selection online and narrow your search using the different categories.

Because we're one of North Americas leading distributors of electronic components, you can rely on RS for the highest quality products and customer service.

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